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Excellent instructors helping all the way through. They will take the time to go over any course lessons that you might feel you need improvement on. I thought they were professional and informative and would recommend this school to any up and coming home inspectors looking for a personalized learning experience. A huge thank you to everyone at SITA.
Customer service while completing the online courses was unparalleled. Their attention to detail in creating the courses is exactly what you need to be successful in passing your state and national exams. I have taken online real estate classes through large national entities and the way the core subject matter is presented makes it much easier to analyze, interpret and comprehend than other companies. The practicum was instrumental in my development to implement and exercise, in a real world scenario, the material learned. Scott and Wyatt were incredibly knowledgeable. Thank you guys. I will be back for continuing education.
I used SITA for all my 194 hours of training. The online portion went very well as the instructors, Wyatt and Scott, were extremely helpful and resourceful. SITA provided all that I needed to get through the online training and the instructors get me several hints on how to study and the overall themes involved.
After the online training, I did the 40 hour practicum along with 3 other students. Even though the 4 of us were all at extremely different levels of experience, Wyatt and Scott were very patient as they taught us methods and exposed us to the software. was able to see and participate in the process of numerous home inspections and learned how to fully report my findings to the client.
I take my licensing exams next week and am confident that SITA has prepared me for success! I am already planning to return to SITA for continuing education as soon as I get my license.
Previously, I had completed several online courses through SITA and have been impressed with the in person support I received on numerous occasions via phone, last week I traveled to Denton to take the in person 40 hour TEXAS PRACTICUM field training class. WOW, was I impressed! I'm a Master Electrician with over 30 years of construction experience and over 22 years of self employment experience, I have taken trade specific training courses frequently over the years but can honestly say I have never learned so much practical information in such a short time. My instructors were Wyatt and Scott, both took the time to tailor my instruction to the questions I ask, at no time did I feel like I was being herded through a curriculum like a herd of cattle the way most of these type of courses feel. I felt both instructors went out of their way to tailor the class around my strengths and weaknesses so I left there confident moving forward. I would highly recommend Super Inspector Training Academy to anyone looking to get into a career as a Home Inspector.
Shane L. Smith
Blake taught the class personally along with one of his top inspectors, Randle. Both did a phenomenal job explaining the course material and answering any questions. Highly recommend!
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