Inspection Scope

Inspection Scope


Exterior components that are in scope of a home inspection include the visible and accessible wall coverings (cladding), trim, eaves, wall penetration flashing and sealants, windows and doors, including the garage vehicle door and any operator, decks, balconies, stoops, porches, and associated steps, handrails, and guards.

Exterior components, such as wall coverings and trim, that are made from wood or wood composite materials should be covered with paint, stain, or some other type of coating. These coatings perform as protection against deterioration and as an aesthetic feature. Inspection of coatings is in scope of a home inspection if the coating appears not to be performing its intended protective function. This condition can be caused by deterioration, or by visibly poor application. Home inspectors are not required to report about the condition of these coatings unless they are visibly and significantly failing to perform their protective function.