Defects, Safety, Standards

Defects, Safety, Standards


Typical Defects Typical defects that home inspectors should report include:

  1. plants touching wall coverings or roof coverings,
  2. tree limbs overhanging the roof,
  3. visibly dead, diseased, and distressed trees that are near the house,
  4. cracked or uplifted walkways, driveways, patios, retaining walls, and similar components that may be caused by vegetation,
  5. tree limbs near overhead utility wires,
  6. trees leaning toward the house,
  7. trees supported by metal guy wires,
  8. plants are too close to HVAC condensers.

Safety Issues (1) plants that obscure visibility from driveways and intersecting streets can be a traffic safety hazard, (2) plants that obscure visibility at the front of the house can be a security hazard because they provide cover for burglars.

Standards (1) local governments and homeowner associations may have regulations about issues such as tree removal and the types and locations of plants; (2) local agricultural extension service offices and local nurseries often have information about recommended native plants; (3) local Master Gardener programs can be a good source of free advice about landscaping issues.


Photo displays plants too close to a home with a caption stating "Plants Should Be At Least One Foot From the House."
Two photos, the left one depicts trees leaning toward a house with the caption "Trees Should Not Touch House or Lean Toward House." and the image on the right shows tree limbs hanging over a home with the caption "Limbs Should Not Be Above Electrical Service or Utility Drop Wires, or Hang Over the House."
Image displays a driveway with significant cracking with the caption "This Type of Cracking and Uplift is Often Caused by Tree Roots."