Defects and Standards
Typical Defects Typical defects that home inspectors should report include:
- earth or hard surface slopes toward the foundation,
- depressions in soil at the foundation caused by soil settlement, recent foundation work, or recently modified landscaping,
- gutter and downspout problems including blockage, damage, deterioration, improper slope, downspouts discharge too close to foundation,
- foundation drains blocked or damaged (only above ground terminations are usually visible),
- changes to swale slope caused by plant roots or by modified landscaping,
- debris in swale blocking water flow,
- underground drains blocked (blockage is often not visible, but debris may be visible at the termination point),
- underground drain termination point blocked or not visible,
- earth or mulch at the foundation too close to or above wall coverings,
- planting boxes installed above the foundation,
- soil settled in utility trenches,
- soil erosion,
- evidence of water and drainage problems on lots at bottom of hills or in low-lying areas.

Standards (1) IRC 2018 R401.3 (drainage), R403.1.7 (footings near slopes), R801.3 (roof drainage/gutters); (2) local governments and homeowner associations often have regulations about drainage and grading issues.